In case you receive wrong products due to our mistake, please contact our customer service department for exchange or refund. We will make exchange or refund arrangement after goods are returned. has a simple and effective process for returns and exchanges.
Once your package is received back in our warehouse, the item will be tested and we will process your refund/exchange within 3-7 business days.
No returns without an RMA will be accepted and all items shipped for a return or exchange without an RMA will be returned to the customer at our leisure. We cannot process any returns and are not responsible for any items shipped without an RMA number. The customer is responsible for shipping the item back with a tracking number. We are not responsible for any missing or lost items.
Yes, it is necessary to track the returned product.
Note: won’t take any responsibilities for missing returns so a tracking number is required on your side.
Once your package is received back in our warehouse, the item will be tested and we will process your refund within 3-7 business days. Then the refund funds will be posted to you, please allow 5 to 7 business days for your bank to make it available. The processing time is vary and according to your bank’s policy.
Please visit our Warranty page for warranty details.
Please visit our Return Policy page for more information on returning an item.